The Harvard Monthly for November will appear to-day.
The Yale freshman eleven has gone to a training-table.
Morison and McClung, half-backs on the Exeter eleven, expect to enter Yale, '92.
There are graduates of forty different colleges in the Columbia Law School.
It is expected that the Kent Laboratory at Yale will be finished by Christmas this year.
Two new photographic telescopes have been set up at the Harvard observatory.
Brooks, '87, is playing on the second eleven for practice only. He will not play on the 'Varsity this year.
There will be no visiting eleven here to-day, but the second eleven will play the 'Varsity a practice game.
There is on exhibition at Leavitt and Peirce's an excellent instantaneous photograph of Holden kicking a goal from a place, by G. A. Carpenter, '88.
Work on the new Boston athletic club house is progressing finely. There is some talk of engaging Kilrain for instructor of sparring, and John Graham as instructor of athletics in general.
It is expected that Wood will be on the field again to-day, and that Finley will be out in a few days.
Invitations are out for a series of parties to be given this winter in Roberts Hall. The matrons are Mrs. Dexter and Mrs. Maynadier.
Hancock, the quarter-back on the Princeton eleven, won the quarter-mile run for foot-ball men at the Princeton fall games.
The members of last year's Freshman Glee Club, have challenged the present glee club to a foot-ball game. The challenge has not been accepted.
The CRIMSON board would be glad to receive communications on the subject discussed in the boating editorial in to-day's issue.
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Registration at Princeton after Football Games.