
University Calendar.

NOVEMBER 20. SUNDAY.Appleton Chapel, 7.30 p. m. Rev. George A. Gordon. (The front pews will be reserved for members of the University until 7.30.)

Week-day morning prayers at 8.45 a. m. No seats will be assigned, either for officers or classes.

Dr. Gordon will conduct prayers from Nov. 21 until December 10.

Dr. Gordon will be found at Wadsworth House 1, every week-day from 9 to 12.


21. MONDAY.Semitic Seminary. Reader: George H. Whittemore. Subject: "Perrot and Chipiez on Babylonian-Assyrian Art." 7 Lowell street, 7.30 p. m.

Harvard Natural History Society. "Beetles." Mr. George Dimmock of the Cambridge Entomological Club. Lawrence Scientific School Building 4, 7.30 p. m.

22. TUESDAY.Modern German Comedies. "Der gerade Weg der beste. August von Kotzebue. Reading in German. Mr. Hochdorfer. Sever 11, 7.30 p. m.

23. WEDNESDAY.English 6. Oral Debate. University 16, 3 p. m.

Subject; "Resolved, That a separate labor party promotes the interests of the laboring classes."

Principal disputants: Affirmative-Mr. J. A. Bailey and Mr. F. H. Bottum. Nagative-Mr. C. H. Burdett and Mr. E. J. Hall. Open to all students of the University.

Divinity School Library. Debate. 4 p. m.

25. FRIDAY.Divinity School Chapel. Service with Preaching. 7.30 p. m.

GERMAN READINGS.Mr. Hochdorfer began a series of six Tuesday evening readings from modern German comedies in Sever 11, on October 25. The readings are open to the public.

The subjects of the remaining readings will be as follows :-

Nov. 22: "Der gerade Weg der beste," August von Kotzebue.

Nov. 29: "Er muss tanzen," C. A. Paul.

Dec. 6: "Der zerbrochene Krug," Novelle von Heinrich Zschokke.

PPLETON CHAPEL-SUNDAY EVENINGS.Services will be conducted as follows:-

Nov. 20 and 27, Rev. George A. Gordon.

Dec. 4, Rev. T. T. Munger, D. D., of New Haven.

HARVARD NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY.The earlier lectures of the winter course will form a continuation of the series of last spring upon the Massachusetts fauna. The first lecture will be by Mr. George Dimmock on November 21 st, and all members of the University are cordially invited to attend. It is expected that other lectures will follow at intervals of about two weeks.

VESPER SERVICES.The first Vesper Service will be held in Appleton Chapel on Thursday, December 1, at 5 p. m. Vesper services will be held on successive Thursdays in term time until further notice.

LOAN FUND.Thursday December 1, is the last day for making application for aid from the Loan Fund.

FORENSICS.Until further notice, Mr. Cummings will be in closed alcove 25 to consult with seniors Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3 to 4.30, and Mr. Conant will be in alcove 25 to consult with juniors, Tuesdays and Fridays at the same hours.

The first forensic for both seniors and juniors will be due Monday, November 28.

ENGLISH B.Theme II. will, if possible, be returned to the class on Tuesday Nov. 22, from 2 until 3.30 o'clock, as follows: Abbott-Myers in Sever 11; the rest in Sever 1. Themes not called for at that time will be left in the tin box on the mantel-piece in Sever 3.

Theme IV. will be due on Tuesday. Dec. 6. Subject: A Summary.

Theme V. will be due on December 20. Themes VI. and VII. in January.

The attention of students is specially called to the directions of the English Composition card. Each student is held responsible for a knowledge of those directions, and is expected to follow them implicitly.

By the regulations, no overdue theme will be accepted, unless the writer satisfies the secretary that his failure to present it at the time was caused by serious illness or other unavoudable hindrance. Overdue themes, countersigned by the secretary, may be left at Grays 18. In no case must themes be put in the box in Sever 3 after the day on which they are due.
