The fifteen-mile road race of the Harvard Bicycle Club was run very successfully yesterday afternoon. Eleven men started and the following finished:-
Order of Arrival. Head Start. Actual Time.
Bailey, '91. 6 minutes. 1.5.20
Davis, '91. Scratch. 1.1.30
Brown, '91. 4 minutes. 1.10.30
Williams, '91. 8 minutes. 1.12.35
Herrick, '91. 8 minutes. 1.12.40
McCammon,'88. 10 minutes. 1.17.15
Darling,'90. 4 minutes. 1.11.43
Norton, L. S. Scratch. 1.7.46
Hesseltine, '88. 6 minutes. 1.15.00
The first two men got cups; also Norton for covering the distance within 1h. 10m. McCammon was "nabbed" by a policeman for riding on the sidewalk and lost several minutes explain his good intentions and giving his name. Herrick took a bad header and was chased a block by a policeman, but escaped. The weather was perfect, except for a strong wind that prevented very fast time. Merrill, '90, and Drake, '88, took the time and order of arrival.
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