N. H. 4A.- Lecture Monday. Nov. 21, at 12 o'clock.
T. W. HARRIS.THERE will be a meeting of the Glee Club in Roberts Hall at 4.30 this afternoon. It is important that every member should be present.
A. D. HODGES, Secretary.THOSE who have not yet paid their subscriptions to the freshman eleven will confer a favor on the manager by leaving them at Leavitt and Peirce's, or by sending them to R. H. Post, 48 Brattle street, Cambridge.
H. U. F. B. A.- Tickets for the New York game will be on sale at 1 Weld to-day from 9 30 to 10.30. and on Monday at the same hour. Price $1.00, including admission. As no tickets will be sold in New York before Wednesday noon, all who desire good seats should get them here.
On account of the Interstate Commerce bill, complete satifactory arrangements for fare to and from New York could not be made. If, however, 150 men promise to go they can have the best of accommodations on the Fall River boat (either Bristol or Pilgrim), Wednesday night for $1.80; supper, 50 cents; and stateroom holding two, $1.00. If the same number come back Thursday night by rail leaving New York at 11.35 p. m., the fare will be about $3.00; $100 more for berth. The round trip can then be made for $6.80, including supper and sleeping accommodations.
In order that these arrangements may be completed, every one who desires to profit by them should sign to day sure at Leavitt and Peirce's. As some will not wish to return Thursday night, all must state when they will return. The number to return on the train specified will not affect the boat arrangements. If only 100 men sign, the fares will be 10 cents and 25 cents respectively higher.
The Fall River agent promises a fine concert, plenty of room, and the best of accommodations.
Please sign at once.
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