
Fact and Rumor.

The sophomore class at Yale has lost 24 men since its entrance into college.

Ex President Porter, of Yale, is engaged in revising Webster's dict onary.

The candidates for the freshman crew have begun work on the rowing weights.

The 'Varsity eleven played a practice game yesterday afternoon, the first since the Princeton game.

There is a balance of $250 in the treasury of the Inter-Collegiate Tennis Association.


The degree of L. L. D. has been conferred on Professor Drummond of Edinburgh by Amherst College.

Nine of the Williams sophomores engaged in the late hazing episode have been suspended.

The thanksgiving recess at Yale lasts from 1 p. m. on Wednesday, Nov. 23, to 12 on Monday, Nov. 28.

As yet only sixty nine Yale men have signified their intention to accompany their team to New York next Saturday.

Nearly every man on the Williams College foot-ball team is laid up, and the eleven will probably not be able to play again.

Princeton without Dr. McCosh will be a good deal like the play of "Hamlet" with Hamlet in the adjoining county. This smile is somewhat threadbare, but it just fits the case.- N. Y. World.

The Columbia Spectator of October 26. 1887, promised to discuss '88's resolution in regard to the Columbia Harvard race in its next number. But the overflow of wrath promised has probably engulphed the Spectutor, as no "next copy" has yet appeared.

A handbook of Volapuk, the university language of nations, will shortly be issued by Charles E. Sprague, of New York.

All the coaches in New York have been engaged for the Yale-Harvard game, and an enterprising crowd of Harvard men are going to take down a coach from Boston.

J. M. Merriam, '86. former president of the CRIMSON board, is going to leave college and spend the winter in Washington as private secretary, of Senator Hoar.

George Francis Train gave a rather incoherent lecture to a small audience in Bangor on Monday evening. Among other things, he drew a diagram, on which he represented himself as on the top of a high mountain, exceeding in knowledge everybody else in the world. He placed Harvard graduates in the bottom layer, bunco steerers next above them, and then Ralph Waldo Emerson.
