The annual Andover-Exeter foot-ball game will take place next Saturday.
Rev. Dr. Hunn,'18, Yale's oldest living graduate, celebrated his ninety-eighth birthday last week.
Captain Holden's broken bone was succefully set on Monday, and he is daily improving in condition.
The freshmen at Yale have sixteen hours required work per week, besides required exercise at the gymnasium.
A fund of $100,000 is being raised by Wellesley students to build a new chapel capable of seating 1500 persons.
T. W. Wood, '88, took part in the practice yesterday for the first time since he received his injury. He will act as captain in Holden's place.
The largest gymnasium in the world is said to be that of the Young Men's Christian Association at Liverpool. Harvard's rank next largest.
Professor Turner of Edinburgh receives a salary of $20,000, which is the largest remuneration received by any college professor in the world.
The faculty of Cornell University have made important changes regarding term examinations and graduating honors. No mention is to be made of honors hereafter.
Mr. George W. Cable, the novelist, spoke upon "Cobwebs in the Church" in the first lecture of the Dwight Hall course at Yale on Monday evening.
The Williams College Glee Club with the troubadours is to give a number of concerts througout the State during the Thanksgiving recess.
Some of the Yale students are writing novels. The first one was a dime novel, recently published in New York, and the scene of it is laid in New Haven.- Ex.
The first Chinese lawyer who ever practiced in this country has been admitted to the New York bar. He was a graduate of the Columbia Law School in the class of 1886.
A strong movement is now on foot to memorialize the council of the University of Cambridge, England. by members of its senate in favor of degrees for women.
Dr. White, the instructor in athletics of the University of Pennsylvania, has offered, in the name of the University, a prize for general excellence in athletics to the members of the principal Philadelphia schools.
There has been considerable trouble at Yale lately in regard to the stealing of signs by the students. Last Saturday night, because of a contemplated raid by the police, 279 stolen signs were turned over to the authorities.
Members of the Yale Corporation will try to secure an addition of $300,000 to the University's funds, the available funds being only sufficient to meet current expenses, notwithstanding the fact that three professorships, the treasurership and the college pulpit are vacant.- N. Y. Tribune.
The Harvard University bulletin for October, 1887, has just been issued. It is edited by Justin Winsor, librarian of the University, and contains the official records of the college corporation and overseers for the past six months; the necrology of Harvard graduates; a list of the books added to the library up to October 1st; a continued list of the Dante collections of the Harvard and Boston public libraries; a calendar of the Sparks mss.; a list of works on North American Fungi and of the Carlyle collection of works on Frederick the Great.
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