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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:- Several communications have appeared in your columns complaining that the spectators of the foot ball practice on Jarvis insist on crowding into the middle of the field. In spite of this fact the men keep on obstructing the playing of the men just as much as ever. The men coaching the team spend more time in keeping the field clear than they do instructing the players. Carelessnes like this on the part of any men who know the value of practice for the team, and that the foot-ball field is the place for such practice, and not for the spectators to stand in,- carelessness, I say, is greatly to be blamed. Every man can see exactly as well if all stand behind the line as they should. But whether he can or no is a matter of small consequence. Jarvis is for the practice of the eleven, and if he cannot see the practice to his satisfaction without obstructing the players then let him go without seeing it. At all events the field must be kept free from obstruction, and all men who are earnest for the team's success will do their part to keep it so.
