James Russell Lowell was expected on the Pavonia yesterday.
Morrison, one of Yale's regular halfbacks, is sick.
Princeton showed up a stocky lot of men with stockings of orange and black.- Herald.
The Boston Bicycle Club will give a hare and hounds run on Thanksgiving Day, open to all cyclers.
In the meeting of the N. E. College Association held here last week, Bowdoin was admitted.
Blue books for English A. should be left on the desk in Sever 5, before noon on Monday, Nov. 14.
Out of every one-hundred freshmen who enter Yale seventy-five graduate; at Harvard, seventy-four.- Ex.
The water in Fresh Pond has risen one foot since the Stony Brook water was let in.
Some more very interesting relics have been unearthed by the workmen engaged in the Longfellow garden.
The Idler Club of the Annex gave an afternoon tea to its members on last Friday afternoon.
Mr. E. E. Atkinson will address the Finance Club to-morrow evening. His subject is to be "The Silver Question."
The Chess Club will probably hold a chess tournament this fall. It will be open to all members of the University.
Dr. F. G. Peabody gives a reception to the senior class on Thursday of this week at his home on Kirkland street.
Harvard beat Princeton in 1877 one goal, one touchdown to nothing; and in 1882 one goal, one touchdown to nothing. We have never beaten Yale at the game of Rugby.
Nearly all of the Cambridge Railroad quarantined horses have been released. These animals were supposed to have the glanders.
In three championship games Technology has scored three victories and has made 152 points to 15 for its opponents.
The four points made by Wesleyan on Saturday are the first points ever scored by an eleven of that college in a game with Yale.
Foot-ball games Saturday: Yale 68, Wesleyan 4; Technology 52. Amherst 0; Trinity 26, Stevens 0; Pennsylvania 6. Lehigh 4; Yale, '91 70, Manhattan's 0.
In the game against Wesleyan on Saturday, six of the Yale team were substitutes. Beecher, Gill and Corwin of the regular team witnessed the Harvard Princeton game.
Neither umpire nor referee has yet been appointed for the Andover Exeter game. Audover selected Beecher, of Yale, as referee, but he declined and recommended Crawford, of the Harvard Law School. It is said that Exeter refuses to accept Andover's chose.
The following men were recently elected members of the Deutscher Veroim: Ulrich, '88; Hammet, '88; F. B'y. Williams, '88; Garrison, '88; Swartz, '88; Edson, '88; Darling, '88; Dodge, '89; R. S. Ba dwin '89; Hoffman, '90; Roderman, graduate.
The condition of Captain Holden yesterday was much the same as Saturday. He suffers but little pain and the physicians say that his symptons are favorable for a safe recovery. The in jury to his breast bone will prevent his playing foot-ball again this season.
There is some talk that Johns Hopkins University will be removed to Chfton, just outside of Baltimore. This would be in accordance with the wishes of the founder, and would also secure to the college a sum of $35,000 offered for the maintenance of a school of science.
There will be an hour examination in English A on Tuesday, Nov. 15th, at nine o'clock. Examination rooms as follows: Alger-Estes in Sever 37; O. Everett-Liscomb in U. E. R.; Long streth G. Morton in Sever 17; J. M. Morton-Sutro in Mass. 3; Swan-A. H Williams in Sever 5; E. P. Williams-Wynne in Sever 1.
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