

H. U. F. B. A.- The following men will please be at Mrs. Bucknell's at 12 o'clock sharp: Carpenter, Noble, Bass, Appleton, Churchill, Clark and Perry.

A. F. HOLDEN.THOSE who have not yet paid their subscriptions to the freshman eleven will confer a favor on the manager by leaving them at Leavitt and Peirce's or by sending them to R. H. Post, 48 Brattle street, Cambridge.

H. U. F. B. A.- If to-day is a clear day, a very large crowd is expected at the game. In order to relieve the pressure, all who can are earnestly requested to get admission tickets at Leavitt and Peirce's this morning.

Holders of season tickets will please be very careful to show the '87 on their tickets at the gate. Four sections on the south side will be reserved for season ticket holders.

All other reserved seats are on the opposite side, and all tickets for the reserved seats must pass through the hands of the chief usher at the entrance of the reserved seats.


No one will be allowed to stand in front of the seats, and all passing from one end of the field to the other must be behind the seats.
