

No Headline

The chairman of the Photographic Committee complains that the members of the senior class are not active enough in having their pictures taken. As has been several times emphasized in our columns, it is necessary that sittings for this purpose be held immdeately and not put off until spring when every one has his hands full. If the members of the foot-ball eleven prefer to wait a while before having their features immortalized by the camera, we can comprehend and pardon their motive. They can hardly be willing to hand themselves down to posterity with broken noses, scarred cheeks, and blacked eyes. As for the seniors the lines of thought that ennoble the countenance have surely grown sufficiently strong in their three years of hard study to make their portraits taken in November and December as worthy a field for the physiognomist's investigation as they would be if taken in April or May. Take this heart, members of '88, and lighten the labors of your Photographic Committee.
