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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:- A large number of morning and evening papers are read every day by men dining at Memorial. Each man buys his paper on entering the hall and generally reads all of it that he cares to read, during his meal. He then either leaves the paper by his plate or carelessly stuffs it into his pocket, and that is the end of it. It has been suggested that there is a way in which these papers, can be used, and used profitably, after the men are through with them. There are many hospitals in Boston and Cambridge, which would be glad indeed to get them. If a box could be placed by the door in Memorial Hall, where those passing out could drop their papers, some institutions would doubtless be very glad to make arrangements for taking them away every morning and evening. It would not take much effort to start this kind work and if it could be accomplished much good could be obtained form material that is now wasted.

