EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON :-In your issue of Wednesday, there appeared an article which reflected in a most uncomplimentary manner upon the members of the freshman class. As a member of that class, I desire to speak a few words in its defense.
The number of punches of "Bloody Monday" night was unusually small, and very few '91 men attended them.
The crowd which behaved in so disgraceful a manner, was almost entirely composed of those who have been here long enough to learn the spirit of the institution.
Upper classmen may be willing to amuse themselves by poring over dusty tomes on "Antediluvian Protoplasms," but the members of '91 require a little harmless excitement occasionally.
The rushing on Monday night, as far as I could observe, was perfectly good natured and no one was injured. The old class antagonism must be exhibited in some way, and the one which was adopted is as harmless and as satisfactory as any. When we read the reports from other colleges, we ought to be proud, I think, of the moderation which exists at Harvard.
The '91 men are, in the main, honorable, studious fellows, and it seems hard that they should receive such a raking over the coals merely because they like a rough-and-ready, good time once in a while. LOYAL, '91.
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