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One of the advantages which Yale and Princeton have over Harvard in foot-ball matters, lies the fact that at those colleges the candidates for position on the eleven get to work two weeks before we are able to do so here. The foot-ball season is a short one and the only way to counteract this handicap is for everyone trying for a position on the team to put his whole heart and soul into the game and work to bring his college out first in the contest. A scant four weeks is all the time that remains before the first championship game takes place and in that space of time men must get into perfect training and learn all the new tricks.

Now that a captain for the freshman eleven has been chosen, there should be no dearth of men, who will regard it as an honor to play on their class team, and consequently go at it in a way which will betoken defeat to the freshmen from New Haven. There must be no tomfoolery about practicing and everyone should work to win.
