
The New Departure in the Co-operative Society.

The first few days of this term have been days of great activity in the Co-operative store and the managers have every reason to be satisfied with the development of their new plan. The experiment is one that has been well and successfully tested in several communities of Europe and there is every reason to believe that it will succeed at Harvard. The stimulus given to membership that lies in the expectation of sharing the profits at the end of the year seems to be quite effective, as the list of members is filling rapidly. The management has enlarged the force of attendants considerably, so that the great number of customers are quickly and well served. Great care has been taken in providing all the books needed in the important courses, and the disagreeable delays of former years have thus been obviated. The prices are uniformly lower than those at the other dealers in Cambridge and the objects sold are of the very best quality. The selection of books is especially satisfactory as a man now gets a better chance to inspect new publications than was ever afforded before in Cambridge. We are nearly as well off now in this regard as are the students in the German university who get an opportunity to see practically every important publication that appears. Every one that cares for true economy will watch the progress of this new departure with the greatest interest. From present indications one would infer that a membership ticket will eventually prove to be a very profitable investment.
