
Prof. Henry Drummond, F. R. S.

Several of our Eastern colleges, including Williams, Princeton and Yale, have been visited this autumn by Prof. Drummond and one or two other graduates of Edinburgh University, who are interested in religious work in our colleges. As Prof. Drummond is expected to be here on Sunday and Monday, a few words with regard to him may be of interest.

He is a graduate of Edinburgh University, now about thirty-five years of age. After his college course he spent some time studying theology in Germany, and then turned his attention to natural science. A place was offered to him at the Free College of Glasgow, where he now occupies the chair of biology. His work has not all been there, however, for in 1880 he accompanied Prof. Seikie, the geologist, in a six months' tour through the Rocky Mountains, and in 1883 went on a scientific exploration to the heart of Africa, following up the path of Livingston.

He has been deeply interested in religious thought and work, as well as in scientific pursuits, and is widely known as the author of "Natural Law in the Spiritual World." This book consists largely of illustrations of the nature of the Christian life, drawn from scientific facts. Prof. Drummond has conducted religious services among the nobility of London which attracted much attention, and has also taken part in similar work in the Scotch universities, especially among the 3,500 students of Edinburgh. He comes to this country as a representative of the Scotch students; and, as one accustomed to speak to educated young men, is a person well worth hearing.
