The following is the programme of the D. K. E Convention to be held in Chicago next month:
"Elaborate preparations are being made for the forty-first annual convention of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, to be held in Chicago, Oct. 19 and 20, with the Northwestern Alumni Association. Delegates from thirty-one different colleges and thirteen alumni associations will be present at this reunion, and the outlook now is that this will be the largest and most important gathering of college men, graduates, and undergraduates that Chicago has ever seen. The convention committee, of which Tracy C. Drake, Grand Pacific Hotel, is secretary, has nearly completed all the necessary arrangements, and announces the following programme:
Tuesday evening, Oct. 18.-Members meet in Club Room 4, Grand Pacific Hotel, at 8 o'clock, to receive attending delegates.
Wednesday-Business session, morning and afternoon, in Weber Music Hall. Public exercises at eight o'clock, p. m., in Madison Street Theatre. Speakers: Judge Richard S.Tuthill, of Chicago, address; the Hon. Dainiel B. Lucas, United States Senator from West Virginia, poem: Dr. Charlton T. Lewis, President of the New York D. K. E. Club, oration.
Thursday-Final business session, morning; drive through the city, afternoon. Banquet at Grand Pacific Hotel at 8 p. m., at which George E. Plumbe will be toast-master and the speakers will include Frank H. Hurd of Ohio, George Z. Erwin, ex-speaker of New York State Legislature, Judge Julius S. Grinnell of Chicago, and Charles H. Beckett, formerly Secretary of the Council and author of the popular novel "Who is John Noman?"
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