
Special Notices.

Notices, if not more than five lines, inserted in this column for 50 cents each insertion, or $2.00 a week. For over five lines, the rates are doubled. Short "Lost" and "Found" notices, if inserted once, free; every additional insertion 50 cents. Al

A club will be received at 24 Arrow street (McKay House). A few seats at a family table. 04 6t

Cleansing Clothes by steam naptha process at J. F. Noera's, 436 Harvard street. s29

The latest Bathing Robes at J. F Noera's, 436 Harvard street. s29

The latest styles in Hats at J. F. Noera's, 436 Harvard street. s30

The finest line of Furnishing Goods at J. F. Noera's, 436 Harvard street s30


Novelties in Gloves and Neckwear at J. F. Noera's, 436 Harvard street. s30

Money made. See advertisement of stocks bought and sold in next column. s30

The largest line of Gymnasium Goods at J. F. Noera's, 436 Harvard street. s29

A few gentlemen can be accommodated with table board at No. 8 Story street s29 6t

Students are invited to call and examine the stock of Pianos for sale or to rent at No. 4, Lyceum Hall, Harvard Square. s30 2w

Wanted-A Club Table can be accommodated with board; also seats at a general table, at 5 Linden street. s30

Students entering college, or returning from vacation, are requested to leave their address at the post office (name of building, street and number). so that their mail can be delivered without delay. s29

Clubs can be accommodated, also boarders, at general table; two rooms unfurnished to let; stable to let. 16 Oxford street. s29 6t

For Sale-First-class mustang pony for polo, stylish and ambitious. For price and particulars apply at 16 Holyoke House. s29

Brass Andirons, Shovels and Tongs. Students' Lamps, Rochester Burner Lamps, Tobacco Jars, Desks, Bookcases and Chamber Furniture, new and second-hand Carpets and Rugs. Lowest prices given and satisfaction guaranteed. Lee L. Powers, 30 Boylston street, next to post-office. s30

J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row. Arrived per steamer Umbria, 1000 English Sweater Jerseys and Light; 300 Elephant-foot Balls; 200 Bath Robes, Mitts and Bath Slippers; 100 pieces English Stripe Flannels for blazer cap and pantaloons; 100 "Copper Box" Mcintoshes; 1 case English and Scotch Cheviots. A full line Hixon's English Tennis Shoes. Headquarters for Tennis, Gymnasium and Foot-ball Uniforms. We have constantly on hand a full line gents' furnishings, with E. and W. Collars and Cuffs. Agents for Troy Laundry. J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row. s29 6t

To Let.- One of the best rooms in Felton at a big discount! Steam heat! Hot and cold water! Bath tub! For terms, etc., call at 39 Weld. o3 2t

Rooms to let and club tables accommodated at 12 Story street. 46i cod

For rent, at 408 Harvard street, good suite of sunny rooms on ground floor. o4 6t

Rooms to let and table board. Club table can be accommodated. 17 Story street. o4 6t

E. J. Ferris, who for the last six years conducted the sparring classes in the University, is ready to receive pupils at the sparring room in the gymnasium. o4 1t

For Sale-A 52-inch Harvard bicycle, with cyclometer, in perfect condition and nearly new. All nickered except the fellows. Price $75. Can be seen at private stable, corner Walnut avenue and Elmore street. o4 1i

For Sale-Second-hand text books in His., 8, 9, 12; Rom. Law, 1; Phil., 4; Lat. A, B, D, 1, 4; English, 2; Greek, B, C, 2; French, 2, 5; Math., D, E, G; Physics, 3. Cheap. 23 Hollis; evenings. o4 1i

For Sale-A greyhound pup three months old; color, white and fawn. He was sired by "Memnon," ex "Stealing Away," both imported dogs. "Memnon" has more first prizes to his credit than any other greyhound in the world. "Stealing Away" has only been exhibited twice in America, winning first and second specials each time. Price $75. Can be seen at stable, corner Walnut Avenue and Elmore streets, Roxbury. o4 1i

For Sale-The very handsome thoroughbred Kentucky saddle horse "Craftsman"; sire, "Fellowcraft," the great four-mile runner; dam, "Dixie." Weighs about 950 lbs., age 5 years, color dark bay. Is a very fast runner and a fine jumper. Also goes very well in harness. Warranted perfectly sound and quiet in every way. Can be seen at private stable, corner Walnut Ave. and Elmore street, Roxbury. o4 1i
