

The Freshman Class meeting will be held in Upper Massachusetts at 7.30 p. m., Wednesday, October 5th.

Harvard Glee Club.- Notice will be given in a few days to successful candidates only. There will be a trial Wednesday evening promptly at 7.30 for all those who did not try Monday evening. Second bass and first tenor voices are especially needed.

A. D. HODGES, Secretary.Harvard Cricket Association.- There will be a meeting this evening at 7.30 at 37 Brattle street All members are requested to be present, and all freshmen who are interested in cricket may join the Association at the meeting.

H. F. HUNNEWELL, Secretary.A directory of officers and students in all departments of the University, containing all names and addresses registered up to Wednesday night, Oct. 5, will be issued by the college the last of the week. Any students whose addresses were not determined when they first registered, or have since been changed, should see that the omission is supplied or the correction made, by leaving notice at the office, U. 5, or with Mr. Lane, the editor, at the College library.
