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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:- Much comment has been caused among the students and elsewhere upon the fact that more freshmen were dropped last year than ever before, and one and all unite in saying that it is all because the men of ninety who have thus unceremoniously left their class, chose to "loaf" and "play" during their freshman year, instead of showing that praise worthy and laudable attention to work, which has ever been the leading character of every Harvard freshman. Now a close investigation of the subject shows that a large proportion of these "dropped eggs," were dropped-not because they failed in any courses last year, but simply because they managed to get several of those cabalistic signs-or hieroglyphics-which well-educated English speaking people call D. Many of these ill-fated youths even managed to get an occasional A or B, and yet they were mercilessly, ruthlessly, ignominiously lowered from their rightful sphere.

But seriously, is not this record largely due to the fact that the yearly average required from each student is ten per cent higher than it was under the old and ever-to-be-regretted marking system? Do the revered members of our highly-respected faculty realize that, in changing the marking system, they have demanded that every man in college shall obtain a yearly average of 60 per cent., instead of 50? And this, in face of the fact that the rigorously-minded instructors have not departed one jot or one tittle from their ancient rigor. I think I may safely say that I voice the opinion of the majority of the students (not that the majority have been dropped), when I urge that, if we must cling to the new marking system, the letter D be made to mean a mark from forty per cent. to fifty, instead of from forty per cent to sixty, as it now is. For is it not a little hard that a man who gets an average of fifty-nine per cent. for the year, should suffer all the ignominy which a man who gets twenty-nine per cent has to endure? JUSTITIA.
