
Fact and Rumor.

The Yale freshmen have a debating society.

Wood and Morse will probably be on the field again this week.

The Princeton eleven is said to be doing some very fine passing this year.

Morrison, M. S., will not play football any more this year.

Princeton is agitating the matter of a baseball cage.


There are fourteen men at the Yale football training table.

There will be an important meeting of the CRIMSON board at 1.45 p. m.

The Harvard-Yale freshman football game will probably be played about Nov. 26.

A canoe club has been formed at Brown, and promises to be very successful.

It is said that there are 18,000 female students in the colleges of the United States.

It is said that co-education was first introduced into this country at the University of Michigan.

The Williams College football team defeated Rutgers College eleven at Williamstown. Score, 12-6.

All the members of last year's Columbia 'Varsity crew refuse to row this year.- Ex.

It is understood that the Wesleyan-Harvard game that was to have been played at Hartford will be played at Cambridge next Saturday.

Of thirty-two candidates recently examined for entrance to West Point only nine were accepted as physically sound.

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