Brazil is to have the first Academy of Arts in South America.
The University tennis tournament at Yale was begun last Friday.
Chapel begins to-day. The hour is the usual one of 8.45 a. m.
F. S. Falmer, '87, and W. Austin, '87, are at the Law School.
The Yale Record offers forty dollars for the best short stories and poems.
J. M. Goodale, '85, is continuing his law studies in New York.
Wagenhurst, Princeton, '88, has been elected captain of both the nine and eleven.
President Robinson, of Brown, believes students should be admitted direct from preparatory schools, without admittance examinations at the college.
A wag remarked that if it is impossible to make dropped eggs of bad eggs, how about ninety?
J. Wendell, jr., a member of the freshmen class, is a brother of E. J. Wendell, Harvard's famous runner.
Attempts are being made at Yale to raise money in order to present the '87 'Varsity crew with trophies.
On October 18 a game for the world's championship will be played between the Detroit's and St. Louis Browns on the Union grounds, Boston.
The class of '88 has won the base-ball championship at Princeton. Members of the 'Varsity nines play on the class teams.
The Yale sophomores have been informed that their class has done more hazing than any class for some years, and that it would be stopped if it were necessary to suspend half the class in doing it.
The Princetonian advocates the increase of trainer Robinson's salary to a thousand or twelve hundred dollars a year.
The Dante prize was awarded to Conrad Bierwirth, '84, for an essay entitled "Dante's obligations to the schoolmen, especially to Thomas Aquinas."
During July a violent thunder-storm demolished the old pine on the Dartmouth campus, which has been a prominent feature in class day exercises at that college.
F. S. Coolidge, '87, W. A. Brooks, '87, S. A. Houghton, '87, B. F. Cox, '87 and H. A. Lothrop, '87, are registered in the Harvard Medical School this year.
Professor Dana, of Yale, last summer visited Hawaii, where he spent a week studying the crater of Kilauea. He had examined the volcano forty-seven years ago, and found that it had not changed as much as he had in the intervening years.- N. Y. World.
The Dead-head family that has been represented in every generation (with the exception of one) at Yale, is about to build, at a cost of half a million, a new tomb decorated with magnificent scroll-work.-Exchange.
Mr. Evart J. Wendell, '82, is Liberian of the Harvard Club in New York. He is trying to get together a collection of interesting books relating to Harvard. He will be glad to receive any contributions to this collection from those owning Harvardiana.
Cornell University, which opened on the 28th, had about 400 applicants for admission. Prof. Schaeffer, who has been Dean of the Faculty for the past year, has resigned the position and accepted the presidency of the Iowa State University. The Cornell Christian Association has received a gift of $40,000 from Mr. A. S. Barnes, with which to build a hall for its use.
The Yale News argues that the officers of the freshman athletic teams should be appointed by the officers of the various University athletic associations. It says that this would do away with the disorders attendant on the first meetings of the class and as a result much better men would hold the offices of the freshman athletic teams.
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