THERE will be a meeting of the PiEta Society this (Thursday) evening.
G. G. HALL, Secretary.H. A. A.- As there was not time Wednesday to finish the freshman meeting, the following events were postponed until today at 4 p. m. Running broad jump. Crosby and Moen will run off their tie in the 100-yards dash. Hale and Bell will jump off their tie in the running high jump.
All those who wish to enter the handicap meeting, whether they took part in the '91 meeting or not, must make special entries for it. Winners in the freshman meeting must take some part in some event in the handicap meeting in order to receive their prizes.
No one will be allowed to compete unless he has been examined by Dr. Sargent, who will be at the gymnasium from 2 to 4 p. m. Friday to examine contestants.
Entries for the handicap meeting close Thursday, Oct. 27, at 10 p. m.
I will be in my room, 47 Matthews from 8 to 10 p. m. to receive entries.
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