
H. A. A.


The first event of the freshman athletic meeting yesterday, was the twomile bicycle race, in which there were four starters, G. B. Morrill K. Brown, E. A. Bailey and R. H. Davis. mr. Davis won in the fast time of 6.18 3-4, beating the previous record by 9 1-4 seconds. The previous record was held by F. L. Dean, '88.

S. V. r. Crosby and E. C. Moen tied for first in the 100-yards run. Time, 10 4-5 sec.

The other events were:-

Mile Walk-S. C. Brackett, First; J. E. How second. Time, 8 minutes, 26 1-5 seconds.

Mile Run-J. C. Bishop, first; R. b. Hale, second. Time, 5 minutes, 14 2 5 seconds.


440-yards Run-T. J. Stead, first. Time 58 seconds.

220-Yards Run-S. V. R. Crosby, 1st; E. B. Bodley, second. Time 24 1-2 seconds.

In the running high jump, S. r. Bell and R. S. Hale tied at 5 feet, 4 inches. This event and the running broad jump, which was postponed on account of darkness, will be finished tomorrow.

there were a large number of entries, and the meeting was better than the average freshman field day.
