Proofs of names and addresses for the new catalogue were posted yesterday.
The Lowell petition is still in the Co-operative store awaiting further signatures. Upward of 175 names have been signed so far.
At a meeting of the class deacons at Yale it was decided to recommend to the Y. M. C. A. the abolishment of the Friday evening University prayer meeting.
Tuesday afternoon at Hartford, Conn., the Wesleyan football team defeated the Williams eleven by a score of 18 to 6. The game was well played and very exciting.
Tuesday afternoon, on the grounds of the Longwood Cricket Club, Sears and Dwight beat Pettitt and Mansfield three straight sets with scores of 6-3, 6-2, 6-1.
Dr. William Goddard, now of Charlestown, is the oldest living graduate of Harvard. Mr. Goddard was born in Portsmouth, N. H., in 1796 and graduated in the class of 1815.
"Frelo Day" at Cornell, which was to have taken place last Saturday, was postponed one week on account of the poor condition of the ground.
The speakers in the Harvard Union debate this evening are Mr. L. McK. Garrison, '88, and Mr. C. Warren, '89, on the affirmative; and Mr. J. H. Bronson, L. S., and Mr. R. T. Paine, '88, are the negative.
President Dwight has had charge of the religious services at Yale since Dr. Barbour's resignation.
There will be an article on the King is of Labor in the November "Forum" by Professor Barnard of Columbia College.
Hon. Charles Whittier, of the Whittier Machine Co., has made the electrical department of Tufts College, the present of a twenty-five horse power engine and two portable forge.
The hare and hound run by the Bicycle Club on Tuesday was the first taken in several years, and was very successful. Dean, '88, and Bailey, '88, hares, were the winners. F. R. Codman, '90, was the first hound in.
A series of lectures (twenty or tewnty-four in number) will be given at the Museum of Comparative Zoology by Professor Whitney on Geographical methods and results. They will begin on Wednesday, Nov. 9th. at 3 p. m. Admission free, but tickets must be obtained of the lecturer through application by mail, or in person, since accommodation is limited. Preference will be given to teachers, for whom the course is specially intended.
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