
Fact and Rumor.

Tufts vs. Harvard today at 4 p. m.

The annual fall handicap games at Princeton take place today at 12.15 p. m.

W. K. Demson, of the freshman class at Tufts, has been awarded the first prize of $30 for the best entrance examination, and H. A. Tuttle the second prize of $20.

The proof of the names and addresses of the classes for the new catalogue will be ready in a few days. Men who have not handed in their addresses should hand them to the secretary at once to insure their publication.

Last Saturday evening a reception was tendered A. B. Coxe, '87, by the members of last year's Yale Mott Haven team. A cup which is the miniature of the Mott Haven cup, was presented to him in return for his faithful service to the team.


The petition to Mr. James Russell Lowell, which is at the Co-Operative for signature, has already over 100 names. We hope to see a large addition within the next few days. The greater the number of men who in this wise express their desire to have Mr. Lowell lecture here, the greater the inducement to him to do so.

Next year, men will be admitted to Eglish 12, if they have not obtained grade C in English B.

There will be a meeting of delegates from all the New England colleges in Cambridge Nov. 8.

A sketch of the world language "Volapuk" which has appeared, shows strikingly the merits of this ingenious new language.

The Columbia College fall sports will take place next Friday on the Manhattan Club grounds. There will be a hundred-yards dash and a half-mile run which will be open to all amateur athletes.

The first meeting this season of the shooting club was held Monday afternoon. A large number of new members was present, and considering the high wind, some good scores were made. The best shooting was done by Pierce, '88, R. T. Paine, '88, Greene, '89 and W. K. Post, '90. The next shoot will be held on Thursday.

The editorial board of the Harvard Law Review is constituted as follows: Marland C. Hobbs, editor-in-chief; William H. Cowles, George P. Furber, Homer H. Johnson, John M. Merriam, Paul C. Ransom, William Williams, Bancroft G. Davis, Robert S. Galiam, Blewett H. Lee, George R. Nutter, Henry M. Williams (treasurer), and Samuel Williston.

The catalogue of the Law School, which is being prepared by Mr. Arnold, the librarian, is to contain the names of all persons connected with the school from 1817 to 1886, inclusive-a number considerably over five thousand. It will give the full names, the date of entering, the year of leaving, the degrees, if any, conferred by the Law School, and other interesting particulars.- Harvard Law Review.
