
Co-operative Society Bulletin.

In the stationery department, a new stock of Waterman's pens, at prices from $2.05 to $3.75. These pens are sold on trial for 30 days.

The World Type-Writer, $7, retail price $8.

A new line of small account books.

Marcus Ward's linen paper and envelopes always in stock.

American Statesman and Am. Commonwealths, 85 cents per vol.; Von Holst's Hist., 5 vols., $14; Schouler, 3 vols., $4; Labberton's Historical Atlas, $1.75.


A new edition of Les Miserables, trans. in 5 vols.; Morley's Universal Library; Routledge's Pocket Library, and other popular works.

During the remainder of the year more new books, as fast as issued, will be found in stock.
