FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB meets at 38 Weld, on Monday evening at 7.30 to elect officers.
HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- Meeting this afternoon, 1.30 sharp, at 16 Holyoke House.
CANDIDATES for the freshman eleven meet on Jarvis field, at 3 p. m. sharp.
R. J. CLARK.CANDIDATES for the '89 football team will meet on Jarvis, Monday afternoon at two o'clock sharp.
R. F. PERKINS.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- The postponed shoot will take place this (Monday) afternoon.
D. C. HOLDER, JR. Secretary.BOYLSTON CHEMICAL CLUB.- Meeting at 7.30 in 8 Boylston Hall. Papers by Messrs. R. L. Curran and J. R. White.
CHAS. F. KAHNWELLER, Secretary.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal of new glees this evening in Robert's Hall promptly at 7.30.
A. D. HODGES, Secretary.UNIVERSITY CREW.- Class crew men who can, and all candidates for the University crew, will please be at boat-house hereafter every afternoon, except Saturday, at 4 o'clock.
PFEIFFER.NOTICES only can be left at Leavitt and Peirce's before nine o'clock in order to insure publication in the CRIMSON of the following morning. Other matter must be in by 6 o'clock.
UNCLAIMED PROPERTY.- There is a miscellaneous assortment of rowing garments at the boat-house with no owners. All such not called for in three oays will be destroyed or disposed of. Per order.
FALL BOAT RACES.- In place of the usual scratch races, there will be, in ten days or so, a mile-race between three crews composed of rowing men chosen by lot and trained for a few days by the '88, '89 and '90 captains; also a scratch race between four crews of '91 men. If it seems advisable, a single-scull race also. The book for signatures is at Bartlett's drug store. Per order H. U. B. C.
Read more in News
Ninety-Six Football Notice.