HISTORY 15 will meet hereafter in University 2.
LOST.- A "Rival" fountain pen. Please leave at Leavitt and Peirce's.
CANDIDATES for Freshman eleven meet on Jarvis Field at 3 p. m. sharp.
R. J. CLARK.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal at 8 tonight, in Holyoke 3.
G. L. OSGOOD, JR.'88 CLASS ELECTION.- The tellers are requested to meet the committee in upper Massachusetts at 6.45 sharp. Per order.
HARVARD Y. M. C. A. will hold a meeting to-night at 7. Freshmen are cordially invited.
'VARSITY CLUB.- The meeting set for to-night will be postponed till Friday, Oct. 21st., on account of the '88 Class Day election.
J. W. SEARS, Secretary.UNIVERSITY CREW.- Class crew men who can, and all candidates for the University crew, please be at gymnasium at 4 o'clock, for short walk.
PFEIFFER.H. N. H. S.- Members of the Natural History Society may obtain shingles at Stoughton 31, from 1.30 to 2 p. m., any day this week.
J. A. BAILEY, Treasurer.HARVARD CRICKET ASSOCIATION.- I shall be at my room (729 Cambridge street) this evening, Thursday, from 7.30 until 9.30 to receive the names of new members, and to give out shingles and medals.
T. W. BALCH, Treasurer.THE following men will play against Longwood on Saturday, and will leave Bartlett's at 11 o'clock sharp: G. T. Quimby, R. D. Brown, R. W. Frost, S. Dexter, T. W. Balch, C. Judson, J. Longstreth, L. Sullivan, G. T. Keyes, Barrow and W. S. Ellis; substitutes, W. W. Mackay and Myers.
H. A. A.- The first Hare and Hounds run will be started from the steps of Matthews at 3.30 this afternoon.
Read more in News
University Club.