There is a plausable swindler going about college representing himself as a journalist in needy circumstances. He has already succeeded in making considerable money by his representation and men are warned to be on their guard against him.
History 15 will meet hereafter in Sever 24.
Last week Princeton beat Rutgers at foot-ball by a score of 36 to 0.
Captain Holden of the eleven is laid up and J. W. Wood has been chosen captain pro. tem.
The fall meeting of the Princeton Athletic Association will be held on Oct. 26.
Clark University, Worcester, Mass., will be completed Oct. 1, 1888.
The Yale Glee Club will visit Detroit on their Christmas trip.
Members of the Yale University foot-ball team are allowed eight cuts this term.
There are 101 medical colleges in the United States, attended by 15,000 students.-Ex.
Saturday was athletic day at Amherst. There were 600 entries for the twenty-five events.
Freshmen are reminded that Nov. 1 is the last day for receiving applications for the Bright and Bigelow scholarships. Information and particlars in regard to these may be found in the catalogue of 1886-87.
The Dean, Mr. C. J. White, will be glad to see all men who wish to consult with him in his room (36 Weld), if they cannot come to him in office hours.
In Saturday's foot-ball games, Princeton defeated Lehigh 80 to 0, and Yale defeated Wesleyan 104 to 0.
In the fall races at Yale on Lake Saltonstall, on Saturday, the Acadern freshmen defeated the Sheif. Freshmen, and '90 defeated '89.
An attempt is being made by the directors of the Williams College Athletic Association to raise money for constructing a quarter-mile track. The alumni offer to raise one-half the sum if the students furnish the other half.
The Yale News complains that great numbers of small articles have been stolen from the college rooms during the summer vacation.
The junior class at Cornell will give every year a fifty dollar prize to the best general athlete.
Johns Hopkins University has lost a large part of its income through the recent Baltimore and Ohio Railroad trouble.-Ex.
The Columbia sophomores have challenged the freshmen to a series of tug-of-war contests to take the place of the customary rushes.
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The Dudleian Lecture.