

We invite all members of the University to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

The lethargy displayed by those who are interested in the game of Hare and Hounds seems to me truly lamentable. At this time last year the club had been organized and the runs were beginning to take place regularly twice a week. The direction and supervision of the runs were under the charge of the captain of the Mott Haven team who was more than anxious for the success and prosperity of the club because it helped to develop new men for track athletics. There must be some head to start the interest in Hare and Hounds this year as there was last, otherwise fellows who are interested in that sport will be at a loss to know what to do, where to meet, etc. I should think it would be a good idea if the captain of the Mott Haven team would take the matter in hand as did his predecessor last year, issue a notice of when and where the first run would be held and I am sure that he would have no cause to complain of lack of support. Last year there were always twenty or thirty fellows who started off after the hares and there is no reason why the exercise should not be just as popular this fall as it ever was. Next to foot-ball, Hare and Hounds is the most invigorating of all the fall sports and it seems a pity that such splendid opportunities of improving one's constitution should be thrown away just for the lack of some competent lead. Won't the captain of the Mott Haven team look into the case and see what he can do to help it along?

