
Fact and Rumor.

There are 325 students at Exeter this year.

The second eleven play Andover at Andover to-morrow afternoon.

A. Churchill, '88, has been elected a correspondent of the CRIMSON.

Saturday afternoon the University eleven plays the Tech team on Jarvis Field.

After a short, fierce contest in foot-ball, yesterday morning, table 41 defeated table 36 by a score of 2 to 0.


There is a model of the Volunteer on exhibition at Mechanics Fair which attracts a great deal of attention.

No offer has been made for the Thistle, and she will sail for Scotland this week.

The faculty of Amherst have invited John M. Ward of the New Yorks to deliver a lecture on base-ball.

Twenty-six of Yale's graduating class last year have returned to take postgraduate or professional courses.

Any table foot-ball teams who wish can have the dates on which they can play published in the CRIMSON by sending to the CRIMSON office.

The publication of the CRIMSON was delayed yesterday morning on account of the use of a new press. All those who wish copies of that issue can get them a Leavitt and Peirce's or Amee's.

The new car of the West End Railway, supplied with electric motors, was tried yesterday between Cambridge and the Mechanic's Fair building and proved a success. There were forty-eight persons on board, but the motors carried them up the heavy grades without difficulty.

An examination for those who have received permission to make up the examination of last June in Physics A will be held in Jefferson Laboratory on Monday, Oct. 17, at 10 a.m. in room 9.

The Lampoon is to have a new cover this year. It will be similar to the one that has been used for the last few years, except that a place will be left for a drawing in the front page of each number.

The Yale academic freshman crew has been chosen and is made up as follows: Robbins, bow; Hoppin, 2; Alken, 3; Coates, 4; Isham, 5; Foster, 6; Brewster, (captain); Noyes, stroke; Plummer, coxswain.

Those who wish to apply for any of the following tutorships are requested to call on the secretary:

1. A student with pleasant address to act tutor for a body of eight, and to travel for two years going about the world.

2. A tutor for boy in Chicago who is fitting for college.

3. A tutor for a boy and a girl in a New England seashore home. Residence there required.

4. A graduate tutor in New York city.
