About 250 members of the University took advantage of the opportunity offered last evening of hearing Prof. Henry Drummond of Edinburgh University on the subject of Christianity among students, and Holden Chapel was crowded to its utmost capacity. After the singing of a hymn, Professor Drummond introduced Dr. Smith of the Scotch delegation, who told of the gradual growth of religion in the Scotch Universities. Several years ago it would have been impossible to hold a religious meeting at Edinburgh University. Now they have services and meetings, especially in the hospitals, where the medical students often go and hold short services with the patients. This was a great step, but more was required. Many of the students were going down hill, and efforts were made to save them. There was formed a Medical Students Christian Association. A great cricketer named Studd, and a stroke of the Cambridge crew named Smith wished to go to China as missionaries. An opportunity was given them to speak to the students at Edinburgh. They were most enthusiastically received and their word had the most marvelous effect. There were countless instances of conversion. It was suggested that the workers should go to other universities. Everywhere they found agnostics, unbelievers, but their influence was such that many were converted, especially at the Universities of Aberdeen and Glasgow.
Prof. Drummond then spoke most earnestly on the subject of Christianity. He had not come here to preach, but to help-to try to remove the misconception in men's minds in regard to Christianity. In most American colleges, men don't know much about Christianity. In Scotland they are brought up on religion and see more of the questions which puzzle American students. Christ's yoke is no bondage as many men think. What is a yoke for? A yoke is a wooden collar intended to lighten the ox's burden. So Christ's yoke is put upon us to help us, not to retard us, If we take things as Christ took them, the yoke will be easy, and the burden light; but if we follow our own way, we will find it difficult to resist temptation, and the burden will be a heavy one. If a man finds life going hard with him, let him give up self and follow Christ. The great trouble with men is that they live in their own way, not in Christ's, they are thinking of their own pleasure, they look for rest and relief. There is no satisfaction in living for one's self. When once a man forgets self. When once a man forgets self, and follows Christ, he is a changed man, he has a new object in life. If a man turns his back on Christ he simply sees his own shadow and is in darkness; but if he follows Christ be faces the light, and all is clear. When a man comes to college he is a student, but a poor one at first; in like manner, when a man follows Christ he becomes a Christian, even though a poor one. To do what is right, to think what is right, is a life worth living. Any man can begin that life to-morrow.
Entrance on Christianity is like the beginning of a friendship. The life of Christ's followers is the eternal life; it is following a person, not a thing, and it opens up to a man the only possibilities of the entire development of what is in him. A man may know a great deal about Christianity without knowing anything of Christ. Such men are religious men, but not Christians-they live for themselves, instead of living for Christ. No man is a Christian who lives for himself. There is a practical difficulty in being beset by temptation; but there is no passion in man's nature that cannot be overcome. The principle in dealing with sin is not prohibition, but substitution. The only way to keep high is to keep in high company-to follow Christ. Every man should try Christianity; then his whole nature will be softened and will become more spiritualized. "Walk in the Spirit and be shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh."
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