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We publish to-day the new circular of the Co-operative Society. The circular in a great measure explains itself, but there are many, new to Cambridge institutions, who cannot perceive readily what a great advantage to every student the Co-operative Society is, and so will not read its circular with the sympathy which would come with greater knowledge.

The society represents a great principle in political economy, the success or failure of which must make a marked difference in the relations of human life. For this reason the welfare of Co-operation here is the welfare of Co-operation elsewhere, and success here cannot but exert some influence abroad.

The new system upon which the society is to be conducted was adopted last spring almost unanimously and having the support of all the officers, who know best the best interests of the society, it ought to prove an advantage to all those who do business at the store in Dane Hall. We extend our best wishes to the continued good for tune of this institution.
