In pursuance of Captain Henshaw's notice yesterday, that men desirous to try for positions on the nine should present themselves on Holmes Field, about fifteen candidates appeared. Of last year's team there remain still in college Henshaw, Linn, Boyden and Mumford, so that that there are plenty of vacancies to fill and the prospects for next season are anything but bright. Willard, captain of last year's nine, is back, but has signified his determination not to play any more. It is needless to add that Bingham, who pitched last year, will be debarred from playing this season on account of his connection with professional teams during the past summer.
Only a short, desultory practice was indulged in yesterday as the weather was damp and cold. The ground was in very fair condition and showed the effect of careful attention during the summer. It is too soon yet to know whether there is any base-ball talent in '91, and it may be well to say here that every freshman who has played ball to any extent, should take the first opportunity of going to the field and practicing with the rest of the candidates. Rumor says that there are several very good players in the incoming class, but how far this report may be trusted will be better known when some of them will take the trouble to put in an appearance. Practice on Holmes will probably be continued as long as the weather permits.
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No Monument Rush at Williams.