A special meeting of the New England Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools will be held on Friday afternoon and on Saturday morning, Jan. 7 and 8, 1887, in the Latin School building, Warren avenue. The Friday afternoon session will be open at 2 o'clock by a report on "the work of the commission of colleges in New England on admission examinations," presented by Professor William C. Poland of Brown University. Discussion will follow at 3 on the question, "Does the circular recently issued by Harvard University conduce to greater uniformity in requirements for admission to college?" Remarks will be made by President Eliot of Harvard, President Capen of Tufts and others. A business meeting will be held at 9 o'clock Saturday morning, and, at 9.30, the question "Is the system of admission to colleges on school certificates advantageous to schools?" will be discussed by Horace M. Willard of the Vermont Academy, President Alice E. Freeman of Wellesley and others. At 11 o'clock the subject of discussion will be "With the present requirements for admission to college, is it possible to give a sufficiently thorough training in English in the preparatory school?" Mr. Frank A. Hill, head master of Cambridge high school, will speak first. He will be followed by President William DeW Hyde of Bowdoin College.
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