A rare copy of Maudeville's Fable of the Bees, printed in 1728; also a 2 vol. edition of Les Miserables, illustrated, now out of print. New Books - Dicey: England's Case against Home Rule; McLennon: Studies in Ancient History - a reprint of Primitive Marriage: Dowden: Life of Shelley. 2 vols.; W. R. Clifford: Lectures and Essays; Alphonse Daudet: Tattarin on the Alps; Lowell: Democracy.
A new stock of the best pocket knives.
The Comet, and the Star Toboggans.
Laundry at a discount. Special arrangements must be made for collecting and returning linen by errand boy. White kid, street and Scotch wool gloves in stock. Bath towels, sponges, and a line of the best soaps.
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Freshman Crew.