All candidates for the University nine will meet in 6 Holworthy at 7.30 this evening.
This being the week of prayer there will be meetings held in the Christian Association rooms every evening, 6.30 to 7 o'clock.
All those who intend to try for either the university or freshman lacrosse teams will please meet in 26; Hollis at 8 o'clock Thursday evening, Jan. 6.
H. E. PEABODY.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB. There will be a practice shoot at Watertown this (Wednesday) afternoon, in preparation for the match with the Dedham club next Saturday. The team will consist of six men, and all members of the club are urged to come out and try for places on it. Each man will please bring 40 cartridges.
F. S. MEAD.DEUTSCHER VEREIN. There will be a meeting of the Deutscher Verein Thursday evening, January 6, at half past seven, in Stoughton 21. Dr. Francke will speak of Goethe's Helena (Faust, Part II.).
W. G. THOMPSON, Secretary.
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Senior Crew.