Physics B. Seminar to-night, Friday Jan, 28th, at 7.30 o'clock. Bring pamphlet and paper for problems. E. C. Pfeiffer, 10 Stoughton.
54History XII. The work of the hal??? year will be reviewed, Saturday, Jan. 29 at 6 Little's Block, 7.10 p.m. Notice of intention to attend is requested. Wm. W. Nolen, '84,
51Seminars Pol. Econ. I. Friday, Jan. 28th, 6.30 p.m. first two books of Mill. Saturday, Jan. 29 6.30 p.m. third book of Mill and chapters on banking. Monday, Jan. 31st, 6.30 p.m., a shorter review of the whole course. Gentlemen intending to attend will please notify me. Also tutoring in Pol. Econ. 1. J. W. Mack, 717 Cambridge St.
52Freshman Eng. A. An abstract of Hill's Rhetoric. Part I, may be found at Wheeler's Saturday morning.
54Do not fail to attend the "Grand Electric entertainment and lecture in Union Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday evening, 7,45 o'clock. The wonders of electricity practically explained. Enos' system of elevated R. R. in full operation, Orcutt R. R. signal exhibited. Beautiful dissolving views. Tickets, 50, 35, and 25 cents.
48Tutoring in History II and XIII. Clarence A. Brodeur, 87, 14 Hollis Hall.
35Tutoring in French A, French 1, Italian 1 and German A. Apply to G. Bradford, Jr., 8 Prescott Street.
18Tutoring in History 1 and 12, Political Economy 4 and Fine Arts 3. Wm. W. Nolen, '84, 6 Little's.
16E. L. Conant, 8 Reade's. Tutor in German A, English A, Political Economy I, History I, II, XI, XII.
14Students wishing to have custom-made shirts will do well to see our 6 for $9, and 6 for $12. Custom shirts, Earle & Wilson collars and cuffs, party kids, evening ties, dress shirts, Englsh mackintoches, Hamilton's English pantstretchers, Co-operative discount to all members. J. W. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row next to Post Office.
3$50 Reward. The above reward will be paid to any one who has clothes soiled or stained if I fail to remove the same, (provided the stain is not from any kind of acid). J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard Street.
1LAUNDRY! LAUNDRY! Collars 2 1-2 cts, cuffs 1-2 ct, 30 per cent less than any other laundry. As I have my own laundry I guarantee to give better satisfaction for less money. The latest style of E. W. collars and cufis. Novelty in neck wear, Jersey tights. Sweaters in all colors, etc., etc. Tailoring - Repairing and pressing done in the best style. Clothes cleaned by Steam Naptha process, which is the only process by which we guarantee to remove any stain, or give $50 reward for failure to do so. Laundry to be delivered at the request of my patrons. J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard Street.
2$100 a week! Ladies or gentlemen desiring pleasant profitable employment write at once. We want you to handle an article of domestic use that recommends itself to every one at sight. Simple as flour. Sells like hot cakes. Profits 300 per cent. Families wishing to practice economy should for their own benefit write for particulars. Used every day the year round in every household. Price within reach of all. Circulars free. Agents receive sample free. Address, Domestic Manufacturing Company, Marion.
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