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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: I enclose you two tickets for the "Les Trappeurs" entertainment. We shall receive them February 14 at 8 a.m. and immediately come out to the college at the invitation of Col. T. W. Higginson, As there will be between three hundred and four hundred of "Les Trappeurs" in toboggan and snow shoe costumes, would it not be well to agitate the matter of having some of the students meet them and show them the points of interest. I wish you would call attention in your paper to the matter. As you have doubtless noticed, all the toboggan clubs are uniting to make this a very cordial and agreeable reception to the Montreal club and we should be glad to have the co-operation of the students in any way they deem best. I shall be happy to furnish you with any information you desire, as chairman of the Press Committee.

'82.P. S. - Some 100 members of the Cory Hill Club propose to act as escort in the evening with torchers, etc., in a procession from Quincy House to the Union Hall. We should like to have any students join us. Names can be sent to C. W. Joy, Brookline.
