
Special Notices.

German A. I will translate "La Rabbiata" slowly and carefully, explaning difficult passages and answering questions at 3 p.m. to-day. Admission 75 cents. H. P. Johnson, C. 33.

46Tutoring in Italian I, French II, English A. and Philosopy I. 4 Hollis.

47German A. I shall translate La Rabbiata and 1st act of Der Neffe als Onkel to-night at 7.30, in Stoughton 10. Tutorin H. II. and Chemistry A. C. H. Moore.

48Senimar in Chemistry A, Monday, Feb. 7, at 7 p.m., by a graduate of special experience. Also tutoring in Chemistry A., Mathematics D. and A. and N. H. II. Call or address "Graduate," 15 College House.

44Freshman Eng. A. I will lecture on the course Friday and Saturday evenings at 8. I will have ready that night a printed condensation of Hill's Rhet., Part I. Send postal card if you wish to come. J. W. Dalzell, '79,15 Appian Way.


45Tutoring in French II. and N, H. II. O. B. Oakman, 18 Hollis.

42Lost. "A Mademoiselle De La Seigliere." The finder will confer a favor by returing it to M. L. Bruner, 63 C.

Lost. Will the gentleman who took a black alpaca umbrella, by mistake, from the gymnasium, please leave the same at the Auditor's room and oblige the owner.

Tutoring in Pol. Econ. I. E. A. Harriman, 22 Divinity.

36Tutoring in N. H. 2, History 2, N. H. I and Chemistry A. Daniel Costello, '87, College House 15.

39I will tutor in Classics, English A, History 1, and History 2, Fine Arts 3. J. W. Dalzell, 15 Appian Way.

38Tutoring in Math. A, C, D, G, and E, E. I. Smith. (May be seen every afternoon at the Law School.)

37Students will save money by having their furniture repaired and upholstered at my store during this and next week. Wishing to keep my workmen busy I make special figures which are a great reduction from regular prices. Call and see me personally. Lee L. Powers, 30 Boylston St., Read's Block.

E. L. Canant, 8 Reade's. Tutor in German A, English A, Political Economy I, History I, II, XI, XII. 14

Tutoring in Greek, French and Latin. F. D. Kalopothakes, 18 Stoughton. 30

Tutoring in History XIII by Geo. P. Furber, 63 Thayer. 29

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