All special notices must now be given to Leavitt & Peirce. No notices to be inserted more than one day will be received after 7.30 p.m.
F. E. Parker has been elected captain of the '89 crew in place of J. T. Davis, resigned.
The Harvard Shooting Club has received to-night a challenge from Cornell.
The last number of Life contains two jokes from the Lampoon. Is Life worth reading?
The annual Oxford-Cambridge race will be rowed this year over the regular course on the Thames the 26th of March.
Mr. J. H. Ricketson the tenor of the Hollis Street church quartet, will assist the chapel choir at the vesper services this afternoon.
All students intending to take the examination in Chemistry. A must bring or send their blue-books to No. 9 Boylston hall at twelve o'clock to-day.
What has become of the scheme which met with so much favor from the students last year, of adding a swimming-bath to the gymnasium?
Colonel Thomas W. Higginson and General Jonathan L. Swift, will address the Harvard Total Abstinence League Friday evening of this week at 7.30 o'clock.
The examination in N. H. IV for those taking the reading course whose names begin with letter A to L inclusive will be in room 2 of the Agassiz Museum, for the rest of the class in the regular recitation at the building.
Those who, relying upon a certain order, calculate upon hearing any particular speaker at the vesper services, will be disappointed. The preachers vary from service to service, but in no fixed order.
The January number of the Monthly is the last number which will be brought out under the management of Mr. Baker, '87. Mr. Berenson '87 has been elected editor-in-chief for the second half year beginning in March. The February number, however, will also come under his charge.
At the meeting of the St. Paul's Society last evening the Rev. Edward Abbott addressed the members. The following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing half year: President, Russell Duane, '88; vice-president, G. A. Morrison, '87; secretary, Chas. L. Griffin, '88; treasurer, Almon D. Hodges, '89; chorister, Walter P. Spaulding, '87; librarian, Thos. W. Balch, '90.
The Harvard Union meets this even in Sever 11 at 7.30 o'clock. The question for debate will be: "Resolved, That the Labor movement in American Politics should be supported." The regular disputants are: aff. C. H. Burdett, '88; French McAfee, sp.; neg., O. R. Hassen, L.S., J. McG. Goodale, L.S.
The Natural History Society met in its new room in Lawrence Hall for the first time Wednesday evening. The following new members were elected: Collier Cobb, L. S. S., H. H. Field, Sp., W. F. Ganong, Gr., J. L. Goodale, '89, Kingo Miyable, Gr., and C. W. Woodworth, Gr. Mr. G. H. Parker gave a very interesting resume of the recent literature on the Development of the Eyes of Arthropods.
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