
Fact and Rumor.

All special notices must now be given to Leavitt & Peirce. No notices to be inserted more than one day will be received after 7.30 p.m.

There will be a meeting of the CRIMSON board to day at 1.30.

The prizes for the handicap meeting of last fall are cups like those given for the winter months.

A class in gothic has been formed at the College of Liberal Arts in the University of Boston.

The age of none of the editors of the Chicage Rambler exceeds twenty-four years.


Prof. Trowbridge of Harvard will lecture before the Cambridge Social Union on electricity, Thursday evening Jan. 20.

The Classical Club met last night at the house of Mr. Spaulding, who read a very interesting paper on Tacitus and Tiberius.

The first lecture at Yale in the Phi Beta Kappa course will be given by Pres. Dwight on "What a Yale student should be."

The convention of the Y. M. C. A. of the New England colleges will be held at Yale in Dwight Hall, February 18, 19 and 20.

The class in History 5 will meet in the reading room of the library at the recitation next Thursday, instead of at its regular room.

Several persons who passed along Harvard Street under the roof of the Porcellian Club building came near being dangerously hurt by the falling ice, which was being shovelled off from the roof, without any notice of warning to the passers-by.

The students of Exeter are to hold winter meetings in the new gymnasium.

The rumor to the effect that an iceboat will be brought to Fresh Pond is found, on examination, to be false.

Bayard, Yale '90, who is trying for a position as running high jumper on the Mott Haven team, is a son of President Cleveland's Secretary of State.

The invitations to the Cambridge assemblies at the Hemenway gymnasium are out. The assemblies will occur on the 5th and 19th of February.

It is to be hoped that some new lockers will be put in the gymnasium next year, as the demand for them now is far in excess of the supply.

If the cold weather keeps on there will be some more skating on Fresh Pond, as the ice is being rapidly conveyed to the ice-houses on the shore.

The Freshman Banjo Club is said to be far superior to the University Banjo Club. It consists of several banjos, piccolo banjos, mandolins and guitars.

There will be no mid-year examination in N. H. IV. this year although it is down on the assignment of the semiannual examinations. There will be, however, an hour examination in that course Friday morning. Students are desired to hand in their blue-books today.
