
Fact and Rumor.

The Oxford-Cambridge boat race will be rowed on the Thames at London, March 26th.

The Yale News publishes the occupation of each man of the class of 1886. in its edition of the 12th.

G. L. Osgood, '66, the well-known tenor, will sing in Appleton Chapel at the evening service next Sunday.

There will be a one hour examination in N. H. IV next Friday for those who take the reading course.

Eighteen candidates for the freshman crew presented themselves at the gymnasium yesterday afternoon.


Arrangements have been made for lacrosse practice on the main floor of the gymnasium. The windows are to be protected by netting.

Dr. James Dwight, the celebrated amateur tennis player was married last Wednesday to Miss Elizabeth Iasigi, daughter of the late Turkish Consul.

The following men who have played on the 'varsity or second foot-ball teams will play lacrosse in the spring: Peabody, Dudley, Harding, and Griffing.

There are now twenty-three men trying for positions on the Yale freshman crew. Harbridge, the captain of the crew, is a brother of Harbridge, '87, one of the 'varsity crew. - Ex.

Rev. Washington Gladdu, of Columbus, O., who is to preach in Appleton Chapel on Jan. 13, is now delivering a series of lectures on social economy at Yale. This course is to last two weeks.

The Vesper Services last evening were conducted by Dr. Phillips Brooks. About six hundred people were present. The choir was assisted by Mr. H. M. Babcock and rendered the following music: "Holy Spirit, Come, O Come," Bass Solo and chorus by Marlin, and "Look Down, O Lord," Base Solo and chorus from Elijah.

A new hymn-book for Appleton Chapel is being compiled by the University preachers. It is hoped that with this new selection of hymns the congregational singing will become louder and heartier.

The eighth ten of the Institute of 1770 from '89 are as follows: J. H. Proctor, G. L. Deblois, J. H. Morse, P. M. Reynolds, R. Turnure, C. Hunneman, E. I. Bingham, G. C. Bullard, E. O. Mitchell, A. M. Baker.

Daniel Pratt, the great American traveller, is back again and entertained an interested audience of students on the steps of Memorial Hall yesterday. The subject of his dissertation was "Do ministers understand what they know."

At the meeting of Christian Brethren last night, resolutions were passed of sorrow at the death of Abner Earnest Strong, '85, who was for two terms president of the society. The following officers for the next half year were elected: President, F. H. Means, '88; recording sec'y, J. H. Ropes, '89; corresponding sec'y, S.W. Sturgis, '90; treasurer, F. D. Kalopothakes, '88; librarian, W. F. Tilton, '90.

The work of the Yale nine this winter will be mainly in batting, to which especial attention will be given. Those trying for the infield, however, will have practice in ground work and throwing several times each week. Different batteries will also be set to work as soon as advisable. There will be no compulsory work in the gymnasium at present.

Dr. Estes Howe of Cambridge died yesterday morning. He was born in 1815, and was graduated at Harvard in the class of 1832. Among his class were Josiah G. Abbott. Horatius Bigelow, George Ticknor Curtis, John S. Dwight, John T. Morse, Le Baron Russell, Stephen Salisbury, Augustus Story and many other well-known men.

Dr. Howe has been treasurer of the Cambridge Gas-Light Company since 1852. He has not practised his profession for several years, not since 1852, when elected treasurer of the gas company. In 1859 and 1871 he served in the senate, and also rendered valuable assistance on the Cambridge Water Board. Deceased was a son of the late Judge Howe of Northampton and was a strong abolitionist.
