A college man of good presence, who wants to earn money by evening work of the canvassing sort, can be accommodated with a good opportunity, at good pay, by addressing B., care CRIMSON printer, Cambridge.
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University Organizations.Recommended Articles
Senior Photograph Notice.There are still about one hundred Seniors who have not made appointments for sittings at Notman's. As the date at
Notice.The Index of 1884-5 is out to day and will be on sale at Sever's and Amee's. The book was
Senior Class NoticeAll Seniors who have had their pictures taken are urgently requested to return the proofs to Tupper's studio without further
Senior Class NoticeAll Seniors who have had their pictures taken are urgently requested to return the proofs to Tupper's studio without further
Senior Class NoticeAll Seniors who have had their pictures taken are urgently requested to return the proofs to Tupper's studio without delay.