
Fact and Rumor.

Theme 7 will be criticised by the members of English 12 to-morrow.

The Pierian will not begin rehearsing again until after the mid-years.

A large number of men took advantage of the fine skating on Glacialis yesterday.

A. G. Webster, '85 and G. Santayaua, '86 are at present studying in the University of Berlin.

A long paper of problems will be substituted for the mid year examination in Mathematics 4.


There is no skating on Fresh Pond at present, as the water where the ice has been cut off has not yet frozen.

Officers of the '88 Signet are: president, Pulsifer; secretary, Bailey; treasurer, Sempers; librarian, Manning.

The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher will address the students of the Theological School of Boston University this morning.

At the Vesper Service this afternoon the choir will be assisted by Mr. D. M. Babcock, '77 of the National Opera Company.

It is reported that the Glee Club are deliberating on the advisability of making a trip to Chicago during the Easter vacation.

It is understood that several interested undergraduates purpose celebrating on Jan. 19th the centennial of Mr. Shay's Rebellion,

There will be a meeting of Y. M. C. A. to-night at their rooms in Lawrence Hall. All members of the university are cordially invited to attend.

F. S. Goodwin, ex'89, sailed last Wednesday for Germany, where he intends to stay a year devoting his attention entirely to study at some university.

The library authorities state that henceforth every precaution will be taken to prevent several books from being taken away before the prescribed time.

It is estimated that there are as many as seventy-five men who attend the gymnasium daily with the view of getting on some one of the college athletic teams.

Justin McCarthy, the great Irish champion for Home Rule in Ireland, will address the students of Cornell next Saturday evening. The subject of his address is "The Cause of Ireland."

The following men are now rowing as candidates for the University crew under Capt. Keyes.: Russell, '87, Adams, '88, Butler, '88, Porter, '88, Wood, '88, Hale, '88, Schroll, '86, Davis, '89 and Parker '89.

Rev. Mr. Green who is to preach in Appleton chapel next Sunday, is the best known Episcopal clergyman of Providence, and is said to rank next to Dr. Brooks in the list of New England preachers of the Episcopal church.

The plans for a new library building at Cornell to cost $150,000 and to hold 600,000 volumes have been submitted to Pres. Adams and exPresident White. The plans will be recommended for adoption at the next meeting of the University trustees.

Next Monday evening the freshmen hold a mass meeting to decide whether or no the Yale freshmen shall take part in the race next June. Columbia has just given her consent to Yale's rowing, at this late date, and now it only remains for Harvard to make her decision.

Dr. William Perry, aged 98, and the oldest graduate of Harvard, died yesterday morning at his house at Exeter, N. H. He was the sole survivor of the passengers in Fulton's first steamboat. He was born in Norton, Mass., in 1788, and was a member of the class of 1811, Harvard College. The only surviving member of that class is William R. Rever of Plymouth, Mass, who is 76 years old. Dr. Perry was the grandfather of Sarah Orne Jewett, the authoress.
