
Note and Comment.


PRINCETON, N. J., Jan. 8, 1887. At the regular weekly meeting of the faculty of Princeton College, last night, Dean Murray presented the final report of the committee for perfecting a scheme for the students' conference committee. The details of the plan are minute, are complicated, and will not be made public until Monday's issue of the Princetonian. As nearly as can be ascertained, the principal features are as follows: The committee will consist of 12 undergraduates, 6 seniors, 3 juniors, 2 sophomores and 1 freshman, who will be elected by the students themselves. Eligibility will be determined by both scholarship and deportment. The committee will be for friendly conference with the faculty, and it is believed that by means of consultation with a thoroughly representative body of students the dean and faculty will be enabled to administer the discipline of the college with greater ease and justice to all concerned. There has been a remarkable growth of mutual confidence and friendly feeling between the faculty and the students, and especially within the last two or three years, and this action is not brought about by any misunderstanding which it is necessary to arbitrate, but it marks the progress of an era of prosperity already far under way. The movement for a committee of this kind was started two years ago, and a resolution favoring it was then issued by the faculty, but some delay was caused by referring it to the board of trustees for ratification. The plan, however, is now to be consummated, and the election will come off on January 22. Harvard, Amherst and some other colleges have representative committees of a similar kind, and Princeton proves herself not over-conservative by a considerate policy toward her undergraduates. - Boston Herald.
