
H. A. A.


Yesterday afternoon the candidates for the Mott Haven team assembled in the meeting room of the gymnasium. The unusually large number of men who presented themselves to try for positions was gratifying, but Harvard has especial need of a strong team this year. Yale came very near wresting the cup from us last lear, and judging from the present outlook she will make the contest even closer this spring. The men who won prizes for Yale are almost, without exception, still in college; while we have lost Baker, the winner of the 220 yards dash; and Bradley, Chamberlain, Smith and Wheeler, winners of second prizes. Two members of the last year's tug of war team are no longer in college, although the fact that their vacancies could be filled was proved by Harvard success in the Seventh Regiment games this winter. The only way the loss of the other prize winners can be made good is by as many men as possible turning out and working in the gymnasium. The team of last year worked steadily during the winter months, and as a result it was in the best possible physical condition at the time of the races.

The present candidates have been divided into three squads. The first comprises the runners, jumpers, etc., and will be on the floor ready to exercise at 4.15 every afternoon. It consists of the following men: Clark, '87, (captain); Wells, L. S.; Rogers, '87; Gardner, '87; G. P. Cogswell, '88; C. N. Cogswell, '88; Dana, '88; Lund. '88; Rolfe, '88; Bailey, '89; Merrill, '89; Perry, '89; Scott, '89; Brown, '90; J. Crane, '90; W. S. Crane, '90; Endicott, '90; Dickerman, '90; Gorham, '90; Magoun, '90; Meyer, '90; Payson, '90; Strout, '90; Sturgis, '90. The second squad will exercise at 4.30. It consists of the following candidates for the mile walk: Wright, L. S.; Bemis, '87, (captain); Norton, '88; Zinkeisen, '89; Grover, '90. The third squad is comprized of Gibson, '88, (captain); Faulkner, '90; Whiting, '90; candidates for throwing the hammer and shot.
