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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON. - It has been the custom for undergraduates to grant the use of their rooms to seniors for class-day. So firmly has privilege been established by precedent, that it is now regarded by the graduating class almost as a right. There are, however, several men in the college buildings who are unwilling to conform to this custom. Such a man it has been my misfortune to meet. Of course the retention of a room may seem a small matter to him, but to myself it is far different. Indeed my whole spread depends upon the use of that one room; without it I shall not have sufficient space to carry out my programme; with it everything will pass off well. However much right the gentleman may have to the use of his room it seems to me that it is an act of the grossest selfishness for him to enforce that right. This view of the case, I think, will be taken by the majority of undergraduates.



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