
Official Colors.

Owing to the similarity which now exists in the colors of the hatbands of the various athletic organizations, it may be well to give a brief description of the arrangement of the stripes on each ribbon. On the 'varsity and freshman crews the stripes are arranged vertically, crimson and black designating the 'varsity and crimson and white designating the freshman crew. The ribbons of the 'varsity nine and lacrosse team are so alike as to be oftentimes misleading. Members of the lacrosse team have two red stripes with a black one in the middle. The colors of the 'varsity nine are the same, only along the edges runs a very fine stripe of black. Two black stripes with a red one in the middle denote the members of the freshman nine. The cricket team and bicycle club do not indulge in the luxury of special straw hats, but are contented with flannel caps alone. The regular 'varsity colors, crimson and black, are used by the cricket team, while crimson and white, with a crimson H just above the visor, marks a member of the bicycle club.
