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Next Saturday occurs the second freshman game with Yale, this time at New Haven, and it is expected that as many freshmen as can possibly get off will accompany the nine. It is unfortunate, to be sure, that the game takes place in the very midst of the examinations, but there are certainly many men who are not so engaged on Saturday; and these men should make it a point of duty, as well as of pleasure, to show confidence in the nine by attending at the game. And eighty-nine must show this confidence, if she wants the nine to do anything. It is true that the record made thus far by the nine is far from satisfactory; but they have shown in the first game with Yale, what they can do under the influence of the ambitious aspirations caused by the presence and cheering of so many of their classmates, and there is little reason to doubt that they will make strenuous efforts to defeat the wearers of the blue in this coming game. Should eighty-nine win this second game, they will bring to Harvard an honor which she has not yet attained in the memory of undergraduates - that of defeating the Yale freshmen in both games. We trust that the freshmen will realize the importance of a large attendance on Saturday, and we are sure that the nine, individually and as a whole, will strive earnestly to prove itself a credit to its class and college.
